Lord our God, ruler of all nations, we thank you for the blessings you have given to us in America. As we approach another election in our country, we are especially thankful for the freedom we have to openly worship you, to follow your commands, and spread the good news of Jesus Christ. We are thankful for our citizenship in heaven most but also for the opportunities of earthly citizenship in America. We ask you to preserve a just and fair election and for any efforts to manipulate its results to fail and to be judged. We ask you for a spirit of peace to prevail following the election, whether we like the outcome or not. Let us be quickly mindful to pray for those you place in positions of leadership over us, as your Word directs us, knowing that you rule and overrule them and that you hold their hearts in your hands. Let us take courage that from the days of ungodly rulers like the pharaohs in Egypt, or to the oppressive rule of the Babylonians, the Persians, Greeks, and even the Roman Caesars, still you not only preserved your people but also advanced your purposes and caused your church to grow and flourish. Even, Lord, as we consider the many wicked and idolatrous kings and rulers in the Old Testament, though they came to reign from among your own people, still your Word had the victory. So let us hold our hope in the Lord Jesus, the perfect Word and our perfect eternal king. May you grant your church to persevere in whatever circumstances come and to hold out the grace and hope of the gospel to those around us. Lord, we acknowledge there is much in America that dishonors you and offends your name, deserving your judgment, yet we ask you to stay your hand, grant repentance in our land, and send instead revival by the outpouring of your Spirit. Let us not follow in the ways of the evils and excesses of Babylon the great to its fall and condemnation, but let us look to the New City to come and model our hopes and lives even now on your eternal promises. Lord, we pray then for your blessing on our land, even through this election. As all things are under your ultimate oversight and control, so we also commit this election and its results to you, trusting your power, wisdom, and grace to guide us. Be gracious to us, O Lord, and glorify your name, we pray, in Jesus Christ. Amen.